Thursday, March 4, 2010

Artichoke Hearts is DONE

Artichoke Hearts Completed from Kazimir Lee Iskander on Vimeo.

The final version of my Senior Thesis film, and my ticket outta this burg. The story of a Angus Grant, a cranky middle-aged divorcee and Teehan Delko, his spirited, 10-year-old neighbor, cast away from the world on a lonely island in the American Midwest called Artichoke Meadows. There are many things I'm pleased about with this film, and many more I would fix if I could do it over. But after two and a half years of bustin' my ass, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't proud.
Also, I just downloaded Johnny Cash's latest posthumous album, American VI: ain't no grave. fantastic! Lots of new work to come.