Monday, April 28, 2008

Angus and Teehan

My senior animation project is a short, mostly dialogue-free animated film about two neighbors, Angus Cooke, a stuffy middle-aged intellectual, and Teehan Carter, an effeminate, destructive ten year old boy, who is super in love with Angus for some reason. They both live in pretty much self-contained worlds of loneliness and misunderstandings, and struggle with their lame-ass lives as best they can. Above is the first sketch I ever did of them together, and below are a copy of color schemes that I may use for it. Haven't decided which one yet. Tell me what you think.


  1. scream! I love the background.
    Guess what I did today, I went on this website and bought myself a pair of old-guy chinos. I'll look the bees knees in those things.

  2. Is "angus and teehan" the title? because that's actually a pretty good title.

  3. The first and the last!

  4. Also! Can I still learn fake gouache illustrator dry brushing from you?

  5. wow, I'm sure you'll touch a lot of kids with your stuff
